
miércoles, 16 de abril de 2014

Ext.NET ComboBox samples

Combobox loading data from store which uses an SqldataSource. It shows Name field, and returns SportID field value:

The method in code behind could be as follows:

protected void Store2_ReadData(object sender, StoreReadDataEventArgs e)
  using (var db = new ClubSiteContext())
     Store store = this.cbxDeportes.GetStore();
     store.DataSource = from s in db.Sports select new { s.SportID, s.Name };

In this case is important to perform an initial load for the data when the page is loaded.

Other way to load data is using a SqlDataSource like this:

Once we have data loaded into the combobox, we could select an item, or select the empty item described using the tag EmptyText as follows:

if (aRaceType.SportID == 0)
                cbxDeportes.Value = "";
                object SportID = aRaceType.SportID;

If we want to perform some kind of action when user selects a value from combobox we could use Direct Events an a method in code behind like this:

And this is the method implemented in code behind:

protected void cbRaceTypesChangeValue(object sender, DirectEventArgs e)
     txbxPoints.Text = "Escribe algo";

More combobox samples here

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