
jueves, 14 de marzo de 2013

How to make a Server 2012 a Domain Controller using Server Manager

You can do it in two ways, first of all using the powershell, and also using the Server Manager. In this post we are going to see how to do it using the Server Manager.
We are suposing you have your server installed and with the all updates applied. Also we supose you have a network connection configured.

The first thing we must do it, is to add the Active Directory Domain Services, and this is very similar to Windows 2008 Server.

At the Server Manager click over Add Roles and features

Select Role-based or feature-based installation and click next.

Select the sever from the Server Pool and click next.

Add the DNS and ADDS Roles and finally click Install.

Once the DNS and ADDS roles has been installed we can start to configuring the Domain Controller. For this task the Add Roles and Features Wizards remind us that we have configuration required to do. So click over the link "Promote this server to a domain controller" to begin this configuration.

In our case we are going to install the first controller for our Domain.

Choose add a new forest a give a Root domain name, then click next.

Choose Forest and Domain functionallity an àssword for DSRM.

Click next.

Specify the location for the ADDS database and click next.

once you meet all the prerequisites you can click install.

martes, 5 de marzo de 2013

IOS Popup Messages

You can create popup messages showing a title, a message, an a set of buttons. In my example the button "Clear Data" call this popup message to confirm the action. These are the steps needed to create the popup message:

1. Add to the interface of your header file.

2. Create the alert message with the following code:

UIAlertView *alert = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:@"WARNING"
                                                                     message:@"All data wil be erased. Are you sure?"
                                                                     otherButtonTitles:@"Ok", nil ];
[alert show]
[alert release]  ------> if you have ARC enabled don´t use this line.

3. And finally you must use the following method  to control which button was pressed, and its associated action.

-(void)alertView:(UIAlertView *)alertView clickedButtonAtIndex:(NSInteger)buttonIndex

viernes, 1 de marzo de 2013

Ten things to know about sweden

Nice video about what you must know before settle in Sweden:

  1 Fika ... a coffe break with something to eat. ( kanelbulle, smörgås, etc..)
  2 Lagom ... literally, not too much, not too litle.
  3 Swedish are shy ... so, approach carefully, use Fika.
  4 They loves queues ... and when you´re in a queue ... Lagom.
  5 Follow the rules ... no matter what.
  6 Allemänsratten ... Freedom to use nature, but with respect. ... Vara ute i naturen.
  7 Respect for children ... It´s never ever allow to spank your child.
  8 Astrid Lindgren ... #1 National hero ... Pipi Långstrump.
  9 Weather ... long and cold winters,  they love to talk about wether and they are crazy about the sun.
10 Who´s the Boss ... They use an informal dress code, but don´t forget, the boss is still the boss.

Bonito vídeo sobre lo que debes conocer antes de vivir en Suecia:

  1 Fika ... una especia de merienda o desayuno que los suecos aprecian mucho.

  2 Lagom ... ni poco ni demasiado,
  3 Los suecos son tímidos ... así que para conocerlos hazlo con calma, usa el Lagom.
  4 Les encantan las colas ... y recuerda cuando estes en una ... Lagom.
  5 Las reglas son para seguirlas ... sin excepciones.
  6 Allemänsratten ... Libertad para usar la naturaleza, respetando el entorno.
  7 Respeto a los menores ... Está totalmente prohibido pegar a un menor.
  8 Astrid Lindgren ... Héroe nacional nº 1 ... Pipi Långstrump.
  9 El tiempo ... inviernos largos y frios,  A los suecos les encanta hablar del tiempo y les encanta el sol.
10 ¿Quién es el jefe? ... La forma de vestir en el trabajo es muy informal, aún así el jefe sigue siendolo.